Orthopedic Surgery
At Cape Veterinary Clinic, our commitment to your pet’s well-being extends to providing advanced orthopedic surgeries led by Dr. Mark House and our skilled veterinary team. We understand the importance of addressing musculoskeletal issues, and we offer a range of specialized procedures to enhance your pet’s mobility and comfort.
Orthopedic surgery addresses issues with your pet’s bones and joints. CVC offers a variety of orthopedic procedures including:
Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO)
A treatment technique used for stabilizing the stifle (knee) joint due to an ACL tear. A curved osteotomy (bone cut) is made to alter the joint angle and is then stabilized using a plate and screws.
ACL Tear (Lateral Fabellar Suture)
Use of a nylon prosthesis to support the knee joint for healing following a tear of the ACL (Cranial Cruciate Ligament).
Patella Luxation
Repair of a loose knee cap.
ACL & Patella Luxation
Repair of both a torn ACL and a loose knee cap together in one procedure.
FHO (Femoral Head Ostectomy)
Removal of the femoral head and neck (the ball of the hip joint) to address several issues including advanced hip arthritis, dislocated hips and hip fractures.
Fracture Repair
Repair techniques may include bone plating, intramedullary pins, cerclage wires, and external skeletal fixation.
Pancarpal/Pantarsal Arthrodesis
Fusion of the wrist or ankle joint due to instability or advanced arthritis.
Triple Pelvic Osteotomy
This procedure is often recommended for treatment of hip dysplasia in young dogs less than 1 year of age. It involves several cuts in the pelvic bone and placement of a plate.
Juvenile Pubic Symphysiodesis
A procedure used to address hip dysplasia in very young dogs (4-5 months old). Generally less invasive.
Limb Amputation
Removal of a front or hind limb to address illnesses including cancer, extensive wounds, fractures and advanced joint disease.
Digit Amputation
Toe removal usually for cancer or extensive injury.
Tail Amputation
Tail removal for conditions such as cancer, fractures, nerve injury and infection.
Mandibulectomy & Maxillectomy
Removal of a segment of the lower or upper jaw usually to address cancer, extensive wounds or fractures.
Elbow Surgery (FMCP, UAP, OCD, Incongruity)
Surgical techniques to address elbow dysplasia (abnormal elbow development) which may include Fragment Medial Coronoid Process, Ununited Anconeal Process, Osteochondritis Dissecans, Elbow malalignment).
PAUL (Proximal Abducting Ulnar Osteotomy)
A procedure used to address advanced elbow arthritis to provide improved comfort and function.
Angular limb deformity
Correction of limbs which have grown or healed at an abnormal angle.
Contact Us
For any inquiries regarding our comprehensive orthopedic surgery services or to schedule an appointment to discuss surgical options for your pet, please don’t hesitate to contact Cape Veterinary Clinic. Our dedicated team is here to address your concerns and provide the best possible care for your furry friend. Whether you have questions about specific surgeries or want to explore treatment options, we are just a phone call away. Reach out to us at (207) 799-2188, and our compassionate staff will assist you in scheduling a consultation.